Death of Baroness Thatcher and the motor car?

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Tommy Cookers
Tommy Cookers
Joined: 17 Feb 2012, 16:55

Death of Baroness Thatcher and the motor car?


in 1974? the (Conservative) British Government fell, after needlessly seeking re-election over a coal-miner's strike

in 1975 the state-funded British Broadcasting Corporation repeatedly showed a programme delivering the scientist's prediction that pollution eg from power plants (ie coal) was causing global COOLING leading to another Ice Age
(the programme ended with a tongue-in-cheek observation that increased burning of oil rather than coal might help via warming)

in 1979 Mrs Thatcher and the Conservatives were elected to Government

Mrs T (a graduste chemist) then dismissed the Govt's Chief Scientific Advisor, and appointed herself to that position
she made public funding available via the (scientific) Royal Society for research showing benefits of oil burning over coal
(a major part in the European case over 'Global Warming')

I personally witnessed newly-unemployed scientists speculating over accessing such funds

now many countries have (like the UK) a public subsidy of electric cars, and a hate campaign against the others
but the electricity still comes from burning coal !

(and the UK is still 'an island made out of coal')

Joined: 04 Oct 2009, 15:03

Re: Death of Baroness Thatcher and the motor car?


I am not sure what point you are making Tommy.