@MC: you have to install fmodex.dll because in the last version the developer did not include it.
You can check the thread
at Race Sim Central, for example (I know I read the observation somewhere on the Racer Free Car Simulator web site, but I am unable to find it again).
@Tom: are you receiving some error message or simply the program "hangs"? There are hardware minimum requirements and you need DirectX8 or later version. If you are unable to read the instructions at the Racer FCS site, have you checked the font size of your browser (View/Text size menu, if you are using Internet ExploDer)?
By the way, I wish you a happy Saint Andrews's day. First time we see the celebration here in Colombia. We are used only to Saint Patrick's: "we, Colombians", are very grateful towards Irish Colonel James Rooke that helped the "patriots" and gave his life intentionally in the crucial battle, and "we, Spaniards", are not very happy with the guy that helped the "traitors" in the same crucial battle

. My older daughter arrived home yesterday with a couple of saltires (and, horror of horrors, her brand new driver's license! She wishes

to try the GTO...

@DaveKillens: you can try to use Pacejka.exe to change the grip properties. I wont go into the precession and inertia control (I don't know how to tune them) but I know you can if you try hard enough.
@Everybody and his dog: the
amount of documentation given in the Racer FCS site is amazing! I can recommend the following "jewels", that I've read ardently during the last week:
Richard Chaney's equations (and simple program and comments on its source) for simulating rigid bodies, including the gyroscopic precession and quaternions for rotation states (!). It's a little dense but if you have some knack for mathematics, you'll get it, one page at a time.
- Michael Sayers's
Symbolic Computer Methods to Automatically Formulate Vehicle Simulation Codes. It's fascinating, describes the AutoSIM language, definitely for people that are into computing science and have some taste for cars (hello, dear brothers!

- SAE 850219:
Steering Geometry and Caster Measurement. I wish I have read this thing many years ago, instead of having to check and recheck camber and caster after each measure with the Brembo sensors (and wishing you had a "prophet" instead of a test driver!). It explains clearly, if you have some knowledge of vehicle tuning and are at ease aligning a car, how to measure caster in terms of the thrust line of the non-steerable wheels. This is a must for the "aficionados" ("amateurs"?, "lovers"?) to tuning.
Virtual Labs and Simulations: awesome, I repeat, awesome straight line acceleration simulator. I dialed my car (not without a little effort, let me tell you) and gave me back my
exact best time for 0-60 on the first attempt, and that without going into the abstruse parts of the program.
Anyway, I have to stop. Children are waiting to be picked. I just wish to repeat the main question I posted:
Does anybody knows if and when and who is going to give us a simulator that allows you to race against the big guys in your PC in real time? Or is it an urban legend?