We all have read how you want a different gearbox. Just because the gearbox isnt the way you want it doesnt mean it should be changed. Everyone has the same gearbox as you and everyone has the same 'problem' as you, deal with it.
perhaps you should have raised your concerns a month ago when it was sent to us not one week before the start of the competition when everyone will most likely more or less have there car ready. if its changed now its just to benefit you at a loss for everyone else.
f1 is about compromise. even the designers of the cars gearboxes you showed will most likely still prefer something about them different. its the way it is mate
It was raised a little while ago, however, at this point I was already getting people sending designs to be checked over, so i didnt see it fit to force those to change their designs,
Im not complaining Nick, i was asking a question, alot of the nutters on here think i was moaning and complaining, i haven't done a single bit of moaning once, look at most of the guys on this page moaning about the box regs not being sent out, moaning about races, i know you have other things to do and i respect it.
Nick: sorry to be a pain, but i don't get how the cpu time effects adding 1 or 2 extra races? 1 month between each isn't a problem (it gives us time to make changed). I'm just thinking with 3 races people won't have a chance to win the championship if they have a poor start. Can we not add Monaco and maybe on extra race? If its to do with track data for the lap tool, what about adding Monaco and 1 track which isn't used in F1. I'm just thinking of making it competitive overall
Yeah we have a race in April, May and June, what about the months after them? Surely a race a month can be added up to the end of the actual F1 season.
Wouldn't it of been better to have kept the number of teams down so the number of races could be kept high?
I know you say things are going to change for 2014 but it seems that once the 3 races are over and done with the whole thing will get consigned to the back burner until next year.
Surely from a PR point of view it would be better to have the season last longer than 3 races this year?
This is not a negative/bitchy/whatever post ... just playing devils advocate.
To keep others happy how much more cpu time/power would be needed to run the same races again if other tracks are not possible.
Running the same tracks again would also give people an idea of how the car is improving.
if say only half the amount of teams actually takes part (say around 15 instead of the 35) would you then be able to consider adding more races after say race 2?