This tire thing is bringing up many very interesting questions. Its like a big magnifying glass on tire and suspension interaction. I have a feeling we wont figure it out on this message-board since there are people all over Europe right now with access to the data and teams of bright engineers pouring over the same problem. Even so, I have started collecting what I can and trying to break the problem down to understand it more. Unfortunately I cant get much for context... only what I can infer from looking at how various cars are reacting over bumps/braking/etc.
Of course basic spring stiffness is in question but I reckon theres much more depth to it. Looking at logs from cars I have worked on I think theres a lot to be had in setup. I do think there is going to be a big limit as far as what the drivers can do. They also face a nasty curve of how nice to the car they can be and how much it really saves the tires. The last race must surely be evidence of this, the driving was the first weapon and yet the field was still very different in terms of tire use. The teams are going to have to rethink their setup priorities and this is a learning experience for anyone around the sport. To be honest, I am fairly confident aerodynamic loading is a second or third order effect to tire heat compared to basic setup parameters. I might even go so far as to say that aerodynamics biggest effect would be that of airflow cooling the tire.