Very nice to see some results. Also great work from all the teams with the updates.
Looking a little in the VTK file I can see that not all the details have been modeled in the CFD. Apparently the smallest mesh cell element was bigger than the gap between the front wing elements. In the attached picture you can apreciate this detail.
I don't know if other teams had a similar problem, but in this case is of special concern since it cancels any benefit of having a multi element wing. I know that making a finer mesh increases the computational time but, if the cells we see in the VTK file are the CFD ones, I would sugest using a bigger size mesh for the global car and then use refinement in the highly detailed areas such as wings. The next picture shows an example of what I mean.
I'm not really sure of how this can be done with the software you are using I think it would be worth thinking about it.
In any case it was a great job you did simulating all the cars. I can't wait to see the final results!