I have to agree that mesh size is critical and some designs might be suffering because of that. I got DNF'd in both races so I wouldn't change much for me, but to show what I mean I did a couple of tests with two mesh sizing schemes. The first one with the same mesh used for Monza and the other with a mesh optimized to fully simulate the slots in the multiplane wings.
As it can be seen the Cd doesn't change much but the Cl suffers a major 26% decrease because of the lack of precision in the slot simulation. Bea in mind that in order to speed up the simulations the rotating tires were not simulated, but the relative difference should still hold truth.
Now I repeated the same simulation as in the 7.8mm cell size but with narrow channel refinement. This is a technique were the meshing increasees its resolution locally where a narrow channel is found, such as the slots between wing elements. It is a common consideration that for accurate results, there should be at least 6 elements/cells between two close walls. This technique allows this without extremly increasing the total amount of cells.
The results show that, while the Cd did not change much, the Cl increased a 20% compared to the unrefined version. Computation time on the other hand was almost 3 times more. I think it would be good to make a test with the same software and compare the results you get between different mesh schemes.
Now to finish and just to show the big dependency of the results of CFD simulation with mesh size and type take a look at this video: