First, an introduction to the 2013 car:

at 290km/h it produces more than 11000N of downforce, which translates into a coefficent of lift (Cl) of -3. The coefficient of drag (Cd) is 1.5
For comparison's sake, nowadays an F1 car has a Cl of 4.5 (more or less), and far greater efficiency than my car. However, keep in mind that actual F1 cars can exploit ground effect and exhausts' gases much more than us participating to the KVRC.
Also, since my car wasn't originally designed with the help of any CFD software, it doesn't take into account vortex control; this is a target for the next season.
Last round of this season is Silverstone. This is a chart of the circuit (provided by Machin of "Competition Car Engineering"). It tells us which aero configuration we need to achieve which laptime.

Initially the efficiency of my car was around 2, a number represented by by that black line. What i have to do, in order to improve my laptime, is to follow that line until it reaches the maximum distance from the 1:33 laptime; and from that point i tried to increase the efficiency of the model as well, getting rid of all the bits with efficiency lower than 2.
I therefore came up with this:

let's hope it does a good job...