WhiteBlue wrote:autogyro wrote:In my experience it is very easy to stall a turbocharger. Controlling the load/output on the H/MG will be very difficult.
These electric servo units are incredibly fast in terms of control. They are much faster than any transient an ICE can produce under normal operating conditions.
A simple and efficient way to achieve fast and accurate current control in inverter-fed PMSMs is to utilize synchronous-frame PI controllers[38]. The mechanical dynamics can be neglected as they are typically much slower than the current dynamics.
I know no other mechatronic application that comes even close in terms of controllability and responsiveness. The finest hydraulic servo valves in the aerospace industry don't come even close to it.
this 2014 unit is a control type application (the design for generation will not be allowed to degrade motor performance in spoolup)
ie one that will essentially reject (overcome) acceleration related and velocity related loads eg in 'spooling up' etc
the best performance will only come from a heirarchy that allows a very high forward path gain
so that the 'fastest response' (highest frequency respones/bandwidth) will be at the top, ie the demand side (easy to achieve)
less high eg by about 1 order of magnitude will be the bandwidth of the power electronics ie the amplifier that drives the MG
similarly less high again will be the bandwidth of the MG as a naked device not connected to the turbo and power recovery turbine
(dominated by the MGs inertia)
and less high than that will be the bandwidth of the MG when connected to the turbo and PRT (which add another lot of inertia)
the system can never be better than this 'bottom end' bandwidth characteristic
so it won't be 'much faster' than the ICE transient
but the occasional transient won't hurt
and, in this 21 st century it will be fast enough for the to MG regulate the turbo/PRT (that's why they are doing it)
the mechanical dynamics of a machining process are (relatively) trivial so the WBs quoted source is inapplicable here
hydraulic servo valves allow hydraulic systems to do the most demanding control tasks that are still beyond electromechanicals
because the energy density of such 'top of the range' systems is huge and the inertia very low relative to this
so aircraft flying controls are this way, the mechanical dynamics are very demanding eg at 1000 mph
with aerodynamic instability, even higher bandwidth is required eg 30+ Hz with literally tons of added mass effect of air load variation
(some of the hydraulic servo-actuators that do this work are called 'all electric', but this just means the hydraulic pump is integral with the actuator, ie the plane having no other hydraulics)
DW said that the Lotus Active system had under load a 200 Hz bandwidth from its hydraulic actuators
brushless DC 'servo' (ie those good for control) motors and the modern types of AC servo motor are quite similar
maybe these terms are still producing confusion re what we call DC and what we call AC
IIRC some DC brushless was expected to be reclassified as AC
the Wright T-C has about 6:1 CR and thereby lots of exhaust energy available to recover
the 2014 F1 rules appear to demand 87 Octane fuel
is this 87 max (no min) or 87 min (no max) or 87 min 87 max ???
important for the CR/ER and related recovery