I have eventually had a look in a book and found the formula that explains it all.
W is the spring energy of a torsion spring
M is the torque or moment
phi is the dimensionless angular displacement
This is the reason why torque has the same dimension as the stored energy. The angular displacement is a non dimensional variable.
The confusing thing is that the angular displacement in a system with fixed geometry grows proportionally with the torque. So you can say that the energy grows proportionally with the torque in a fixed geometry system. There is in this case a fixed factor between torque and spring energy.
If you look at different geometries the angular displacement becomes highly variable because the stiffness goes with the power of 4 of the radius. So stored energy from the same torque is much bigger in a shaft that is slim and weak than in a shaft that is thick and strong.
Sorry for taking very long to understand it.
Now if we go back to an engine crankshaft for all practical purposes its geometry is fixed and it has a fixed torsional spring rate. So in this case we can also say that the torque applied to a crank shaft of given geometry only varies from the spring energy by a fixed factor which is inherent to the geometric design.
http://www.f1technical.net/forum/viewto ... 43#p443943
Wuzak has explained the formula on page 1. At that point I got confused by the proportionality in a fixed geometric system and I did not check how the spring rate depends of the radius. A pity I can't give the vote up that he deserves.
Edit: changed moment for momentum, thanks to Wuzak