Electronics cooling in the F1 car.. New solution ?

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Joined: 29 Jul 2013, 04:05

Electronics cooling in the F1 car.. New solution ?


I work for a company that specializes in high tempature electronics >250c. Current off the shelf can only survive<85c, so assume the F1 cars are using airflow or liquid cooling to keep their systems functioning.

Does anyone have a picture or link to electronics that details electronics packaging design. Or have information on a contact who could discuss that. We are a Austin company that wants too see of a concept meeting can be arranged during the F1 race week in NOV.

Outside of the exhaust it's possibl to place more electronics closer to what ever they can dream up placing a sensor on, or most certainly vastly improve reliability - in terms of tempature performance - over what their using now!

Any information provided will be greatly appreciated,

Silicon Space Technology

Joined: 29 Jul 2013, 04:05

Re: Electronics cooling in the F1 car.. New solution ?


Thanks fly fron , but that's not close to the level of detail I'm looking for

. The Mclaren TAG-400i unit is encased in a heat sync , but I am wondering about car placement. I saw on NBC sports f1 race this weekend a brief shot of the electronics payload behind the radiator, so I can guess there using airflow , but is there liquid cooling or supplemental fans also? Does the pit have a readout sensor that measures "electronics overheating" ? Or general electronic compartment temp?

I am also wondering about de centralized control design, like in aeronautics... Is F1 using single processor design with long thick cable from the sensors , or are they "smart sensors" like currently being used on the new generation of Jet's (thinner wire and decentralizing the processing)

Any help would e greatly appreciated,

Silicon space technology