rjsa wrote:WhiteBlue wrote:It is there, in your quote: distortion. There is no technical discussion to be had if one selectivelly reads the words that suit his opinion, discarding the ones that do not. There is just plain spin doctoring what's said and written to suit one's agenda.
There is no spin doctoring involved. I can assure you. Perhaps I'm guilty of leaving out some steps in the logical chain because they appear obvious to me, but I usually take great care to understand my sources. If I understand something wrong and someone shows me the mistake in a discussion I usually tell that person I was wrong. It happened twice today.
The significant thing in the Renault and the Mercedes case is that the "distortion" is due to exactly the same environmental conditions, those of the dyno room. Renault explained some of the distortion in more datail.
The mechanical sounds, the intake sound and the exhaust sound make up the total sound of an engine. In a dyno room you hear only two or perhaps only one of those components without damping. The mechanical sounds like valves or other sound sources. The exhaust you hear with massive damping because it is piped away and you only hear the emissions that go through the wall of the pipe. Same thing can apply to the intake or not if you take the air in from the room. The only other bit of distortion that would have to be considered would be reflections of the noises the engine makes in the room. As far as I'm concerned there appears to be no reflections in the traces that I saw from the people who made graphic representations. At least such reflections would not stop me to identify the frequencies that belong to the main noise source.
And now comes the same conclusion that I made already in the case of the Renault sound file. The distortion is related to damping of the amplitudes and not to the frequency characteristic of the engine noise. You can disagree with me but do not tell me that I spin the facts. If you have some information that would convince me of a mistake you can go ahead and tell me where I'm wrong in your view. If I accept your points I will give you credit for knowing it better.