Via sutton-images.com
When asked about the van der Garde/Kovalainen rumours in Hungary, team boss Cyril Abiteboul admitted the sponsored Dutchman "has some challenges" in using this year’s Pirelli tyres.
"We have to see how the changes to the tyres this weekend are affecting him, but also how the upgrades to the car are affecting his challenge," he said.
Less weight at the frontJDC123 wrote:Why did van der garde run the old nose this weekend, some are saying he is struggling with the new tyres, but why would the old nose help?
Indeed, louvers are a way to balance the vortex formations, but a source of drag per se. We are talking about, again, for an L/D compromise with regards to the general setup.Godius wrote:It looks like they have also ditched the slots on the end-plates
Lotus and Caterham are both running with their engines branded as Samsung for the Korean race...Leendert82 wrote:Special Renault Logo for Korean GP for Caterham
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