Hi everyone. I'm not technically 'new' here, but I don't post here very often. Coming back to these pages has made me realise I really should be here more often!
I'd like to share with you a little web project I am working on, called Black Art Dynamics.
Like many people here, I'm a vehicle dynamics enthusiast, although I lack the kind of backgrounds many members here have. I studied Motorsport Engineering to HND level, but then left to take up a job as a design engineer in the rotating machinery industry. Since the HND, I've been learning the subject through self study by mathematical modelling various systems in Excel, and earlier this year I decided to transfer those models into web apps and put together a website to host them as a kind of free resource, also as somewhere to document my progress through the world of vehicle dynamics.
The homepage can be found here: http://www.blackartdynamics.com
So far I've written apps for basic load transfer, brake bias, engine thermodynamics and power train effects on straight line acceleration, and I have a few more in the back catalogue to convert, as well as ideas for future apps
To combine with these, I'm also writing articles explaining them, which incorporate small snippets of the calculations within the posts to create kind of interactive blog posts. Here is the first article I have put together, laying the foundations of tyres and load transfer concepts. http://blackartdynamics.com/Chassis_Art ... ansfer.php
(Please, bear in mind I am attempting to make this information accessible so it is very base level stuff for people here!)
My brake bias tools are currently written for Honda and MX5 models (because I own an MX5 and an ATR), though I do have an 'open input' version in development. The drop downs are designed to encourage people with little or no vehicle dynamics, or engineering based background to come and check that aftermarket upgrades made to their cars were actually going to give desired results.
This was my initial intention, to empower casual tuning enthusiasts to make better calculated decisions. Here is my MX5 version: http://blackartdynamics.com/Brakes/Index.php
This tool uses an algorithm I developed myself to solve for the point of front wheel lockup, calculated as the tractive force - tangential brake force = 0. Obviously this varies with every parameter change but the algorithm solves for it instantly giving results for acceleration and stopping distances in reaction to changes to components and chassis.
There's more content available within the menu bars and lots more to come. Prior to about 4 months ago I had never done any web development so this project has been a very steep learning curve.
As this project progresses I hope to build up the level of technical content, it is still early days but I am enjoying creating it immensely, even if to date, most people I have shown it to glass over a bit!
Anyway, I would absolutely love to hear what members here think of it on any aspects, design, content, technical details etc.
The site is not IE friendly by the way.