Interforum League 2013

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Re: Interforum League 2013


The website hasn't updated, so the full results will have to wait for a few days. Here is what I expect to be the top 10:
Pos user           forum   zdkf1 points  forum points
1  slyboogy        muzz606     50            25
2  soccerman17     cliptheapex 49            18
3  sardaor         cliptheapex 47            15
4  pt747           f1symposium 43            12
5  anfieldrap      ja606       42            10
6  elbando         not606      40             8
7  fred            not606      39             6
8  andykarter      f1world     39             4
9  poll            muzz606     39             2
10 manutddaredevil ja606       38             1

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Re: Interforum League 2013


Singapore Results

Slyboogy takes muzz606's third victory of the year.
Not606's lead is cut in half to 19 points over cliptheapex.
F1technical didn't place in the top 10 this week.
Pos user           forum   zdkf1 points  forum points
1  slyboogy        muzz606     50            25
2  soccerman17     cliptheapex 49            18
3  sardaor         cliptheapex 47            15
4  pt747           f1symposium 43            12
5  anfieldrap      ja606       42            10
6  elbando         not606      40             8
7  fred            not606      39             6
8  andykarter      f1world     39             4
9  poll            muzz606     39             2
10 manutddaredevil ja606       38             1
also rans from f1technical:
35 lotus88
League table
Pos Forum      Points
1   not606       270
2   cliptheapex  251
3   muzz606      209
4   f1world      178
5   ja606        165
6   f1technical   78
7   f1symposium   68
8   vivaf1        45
9   new-606       44
10  v2             5
11  f1onboard      0
11  gpfocus        0
click me for photo version (linked for the sake of those with a slow internet connection)

Individual championship
The top three is unchanged: anti_stan from ja606 leads on 480 points, followed by not606's silverarrow on 478 points, then it's jambo from cliptheapex on 471 points.
All entrants from f1technical:
user        points  pos (/58)  pos on zdkf1 (/484)
lotus88       424     20               132
flaccman      308     40               338
ricme85       298     41               343
websta        289     44               348
tomba         287     45               349
smedleymedley 269     48               364
lukeaar       140     56               472
Quali trophy
The modification of the Singapore sling seemed to throw off most predictions, only three people got within 1% of the actual pole time.
pos user           forum    points
1  redfrog         f1world    10
2  manutddaredevil ja606      10
3  fred            not606     10
4  roadrunner      not606      9
5  jb              not606      9
6  wtcbu           ja606       9
7  lotus88         f1technical 9
8  bls             not606      8
9  sardaor         cliptheapex 8
10 abnash          cliptheapex 8
11 mustang         f1world     8
12 str8y           vivaf1      8

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Re: Interforum League 2013


Korea Results

Mustang wins for the second time this season for f1world.
Not606 extend their lead to 32 points over cliptheapex.
Lotus88 gets onto the podium for f1technical in 2nd :-D and lotus88 is now on the league photo as Jenson Button. \:D/
Pos user       forum   zdkf1 points  forum points
1  mustang     f1world     58            25
2  lotus88     f1technical 50            18
3  pob         muzz606     50            15
4  jb          not606      47            12
5  stevetosh83 new-606     46            10
6  jc          not606      45             8
7  sardaor     cliptheapex 43             6
8  pt747       f1symposium 42             4
9  f1madgirl   f1world     42             2
10 abnash      cliptheapex 40             1
also rans from f1technical:

League table
Pos Forum      Points
1   not606       290
2   cliptheapex  258
3   muzz606      224
4   f1world      205
5   ja606        165
6   f1technical   96
7   f1symposium   72
8   new-606       54
9   vivaf1        45
10  v2             5
11  f1onboard      0
11  gpfocus        0
click me for photo version (linked for the sake of those with a slow internet connection)

Individual championship
Silverarrow from not606 has taken the lead on 518 points. Ja606's anti_stan and mustang from f1world are the closest chasers, both on 504 points.
All entrants from f1technical:
user        points  pos (/58)  pos on zdkf1 (/484)
lotus88       474     14                83
flaccman      314     40               341
ricme85       305     41               343
tomba         301     43               346
websta        296     45               349
smedleymedley 273     48               365
lukeaar       145     57               475
Quali trophy
Redfrog from f1world has moved back into the outright lead:
pos user           forum     points
1  redfrog         f1world     11
2  manutddaredevil ja606       10
3  fred            not606      10
4  roadrunner      not606      10
5  wtcbu           ja606       10
6  lotus88         f1technical 10
7  sardaor         cliptheapex  9
8  abnash          cliptheapex  9
9  jb              not606       9
10 mustang         f1world      9
11 f1madgirl       f1world      8
12 bls             not606       8
13 str8y           vivaf1       8

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Re: Interforum League 2013


Japan Results

Cliptheapex take a dominant 1-2, retaking the lead in the league.
Lotus88 continues to almost singlehandedly protect the honour of f1technical by claiming 4th place. =D>
Pos user      forum   zdkf1 points  forum points
1  ramilas    cliptheapex 60            25
2  abnash     cliptheapex 60            18
3  redfrog    f1world     49            15
4  lotus88    f1technical 49            12
5  junior     f1symposium 48            10
6  wehateowls muzz606     47             8
7  fred       not606      46             6
8  pdk        f1world     46             4
9  bls        not606      45             2
10 pob        muzz606     45             1
also rans from f1technical:
League table
Pos Forum      Points
1   cliptheapex  301
2   not606       298
3   muzz606      233
4   f1world      224
5   ja606        165
6   f1technical  108
7   f1symposium   82
8   new-606       54
9   vivaf1        45
10  v2             5
11  f1onboard      0
11  gpfocus        0
click me for photo version (linked for the sake of those with a slow internet connection)

Individual championship
Silverarrow from not606 is still in the lead, now on 553 points. Mustang from f1world is second on 547 points. Ja606's anti_stan is third on 546 points.
All entrants from f1technical:
user        points  pos (/58)  pos on zdkf1 (/484)
lotus88       523     10                55
flaccman      319     40               342
ricme85       310     41               344
tomba         306     43               347
websta        302     45               350
smedleymedley 279     48               366
lukeaar       151     57               478
Quali trophy
Redfrog from f1world is still in the lead:
pos user           forum     points
1  refrog          f1world     12
2  roadrunner      not606      11
3  fred            not606      11
4  wtcbu           ja606       11
5  lotus88         f1technical 11
6  manutddaredevil ja606       10
7  bls             not606      10
8  sardaor         cliptheapex 10
9  abnash          cliptheapex 10
10 f1madgirl       f1world      9
11 jb              not606       9
12 mustang         f1world      9
13 stevetosh83     new-606      9

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Re: Interforum League 2013


The website hasn't updated yet, but this is what I expect to be the top 10 for India:
Pos user      forum   zdkf1 points  forum points
1  pob        muzz606     37            25
2  ramilas    cliptheapex 37            18
3  andykarter f1world     35            15
4  redfrog    f1world     35            12
5  abnash     cliptheapex 35            10
6  poll       muzz606     31             8
7  wtcbu      ja606       30             6
8  roadrunner not606      27             4
9  jb         not606      25             2
10 lotus88    f1technical 24             1

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Re: Interforum League 2013


India Results

Sorry about the delay in producing the full results.
It was a low scoring weekend for everyone, which let me take my second win of the season for muzz606 with a score of 37 which typically wouldn't even make the top 10. The victory puts me marginally in the lead for the bernie medal.
Cliptheapex extend their lead to 25 points over not606.
Lotus88 gets 10th place for f1technical =D> .
Pos user      forum   zdkf1 points  forum points
1  pob        muzz606     37            25
2  ramilas    cliptheapex 37            18
3  andykarter f1world     35            15
4  redfrog    f1world     35            12
5  abnash     cliptheapex 35            10
6  poll       muzz606     31             8
7  wtcbu      ja606       30             6
8  roadrunner not606      27             4
9  jb         not606      25             2
10 lotus88    f1technical 24             1
also rans from f1technical:
League table
Pos Forum      Points
1   cliptheapex  329
2   not606       304
3   muzz606      266
4   f1world      251
5   ja606        171
6   f1technical  109
7   f1symposium   82
8   new-606       54
9   vivaf1        45
10  v2             5
11  f1onboard      0
11  gpfocus        0
click me for photo version (linked for the sake of those with a slow internet connection)

Individual championship
We have a new leader in mustang from f1world who is just 3 points ahead of cliptheapex's abnash and not606's silverarrow.
All entrants from f1technical:
user        points  pos (/58)  pos on zdkf1 (/488)
lotus88       547     10                58
flaccman      323     40               341
ricme85       315     42               345
tomba         314     43               346
websta        306     45               351
smedleymedley 285     47               365
lukeaar       153     57               479
Quali trophy
We have a new leader too for the Trulli trophy: lotus88 from f1technical. =D>
pos user           forum     points
1  lotus88         f1technical 13
2  redfrog         f1world     12
3  roadrunner      not606      12
4  fred            not606      12
5  wtcbu           ja606       12
6  manutddaredevil ja606       11
7  jb              not606      11
8  f1madgirl       f1world     10
9  bls             not606      10
10 sardaor         cliptheapex 10
11 abnash          cliptheapex 10
12 mustang         f1world     10

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Re: Interforum League 2013


Abu Dhabi Results

Lotus88 takes f1technical's second victory of the year. =D>
With two races remaining, the title fight looks set to go down to the wire; cliptheapex have a 12 point lead over not606. Muzz606 and f1world still have a mathematical chance, but realistically are too far behind.
Pos user      forum   zdkf1 points  forum points
1  lotus88    f1technical 52            25
2  pob        muzz606     48            18
3  elbando    not606      47            15
4  andykarter f1world     46            12
5  pdk        f1world     46            10
6  abnash     cliptheapex 44             8
7  bls        not606      40             6
8  anti_stan  ja606       39             4
9  poll       muzz606     38             2
10 junior     f1symposium 38             1
also rans from f1technical:
League table
Pos Forum      Points
1   cliptheapex  337
2   not606       325
3   muzz606      286
4   f1world      273
5   ja606        175
6   f1technical  134
7   f1symposium   83
8   new-606       54
9   vivaf1        45
10  v2             5
11  f1onboard      0
11  gpfocus        0
click me for photo version (linked for the sake of those with a slow internet connection)

Individual championship
After four consecutive races in the top ten (three of which were on the podium), pob from muzz606 moves into the lead on 620 points. Abnash from cliptheapex is in second, one point behind. F1world's mustang is third on 612 points.
All entrants from f1technical:
user        points  pos (/58)  pos on zdkf1 (/484)
lotus88       599      6                29
flaccman      326     40               343
ricme85       319     42               345
tomba         319     43               346
websta        311     45               351
smedleymedley 290     47               365
lukeaar       156     57               481
Quali trophy
Lotus88 from f1technical is still in the lead =D> :
pos user           forum     points
1  lotus88         f1technical 15
2  roadrunner      not606      14
3  wtcbu           ja606       13
4  manutddaredevil ja606       12
5  jb              not606      12
6  fred            not606      12
7  redfrog         f1world     12
8  bls             not606      11
9  abnash          cliptheapex 11
10 silverarrow     not606      11
11 jambo           cliptheapex 11

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Re: Interforum League 2013


USA Results

Tomba takes f1technical's third win of the year. =D>

The league is now a two horse race. Going into the final round in Brazil cliptheapex have a 13 point lead over not606.
F1technical are involved in a battle for 5th place with ja606.
Pos user           forum   zdkf1 points  forum points
1  tomba           f1technical 50            25
2  roadrunner      not606      48            18
3  abnash          cliptheapex 48            15
4  jostheboss      cliptheapex 45            12
5  slyboogy        muzz606     44            10
6  jb              not606      44             8
7  anfieldrap      ja606       43             6
8  andykarter      f1world     43             4
9  manutddaredevil ja606       43             2
10 mustang         f1world     43             1
also rans from f1technical:
38 lotus88
League table
Pos Forum      Points
1   cliptheapex  364
2   not606       351
3   muzz606      296
4   f1world      278
5   ja606        183
6   f1technical  159
7   f1symposium   83
8   new-606       54
9   vivaf1        45
10  v2             5
11  f1onboard      0
11  gpfocus        0
click me for photo version (linked for the sake of those with a slow internet connection)

Individual championship
Abnash from cliptheapex has moved into first place. He has a good 12 point lead over mustang from f1world. Muzz606's pob is third a further 2 points back.
All entrants from f1technical:
user        points  pos (/58)  pos on zdkf1 (/488)
lotus88       637      6                31
tomba         369     38               329
flaccman      331     41               344
ricme85       325     43               346
websta        316     45               351
smedleymedley 297     47               364
lukeaar       162     57               483
Bernie medal
Pob from muzz606 looks set to take the Bernie medal. It would need a victory from one of the three chasing players for pob to be overhauled:
user        forum  wins 2nds 3rds
pob         muzz606  2    2    1
silverarrow not606   2    1    0
mustang     f1world  2    0    1
anti_stan   ja606    1    3    0

Quali trophy
It was a bad race for nearly everyone for predicting the pole time: only 3 players got within 1%. The winner is likely to come from the current top three, although with a maximum 3 points available, anyone in the top 8 mathematically has a chance of winning. In the event of a tie on points, it will go to the player with the lowest "total q time".
pos user          forum     points  total q time
1 lotus88         f1technical 15       554.30
2 roadrunner      not606      14        52.41
3 wtcbu           ja606       13        69.50
4 manutddaredevil ja606       12        45.14
5 jb              not606      12        55.49
6 jambo           cliptheapex 12        60.35
7 redfrog         f1world     12       540.96
8 fred            not606      12       559.03

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Re: Interforum League 2013


The first poorly photoshopped trophy of the season can now be awarded...
and the Trulli Trophy for the best pole time predictor goes to f1technical's very own lotus88 =D> :

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Re: Interforum League 2013


Brazil and End of Season Results

F1world finish the season strongly with a 1-2, which means they snag third place in the league.
F1technical didn't place in the top 10 this week.
Pos user           forum   zdkf1 points  forum points
1  andykarter      f1world     44            25
2  pdk             f1world     43            18
3  stevetosh83     new-606     41            15
4  silverarrow     not606      41            12
5  elbando         not606      39            10
6  ramilas         cliptheapex 38             8
7  abnash          cliptheapex 37             6
8  pt747           f1symposium 36             4
9  pob             muzz606     35             2
10 manutddaredevil ja606       33             1
also rans from f1technical:

League table
Cliptheapex just manage to hold off not606 to take their first league title by a slender 5 points.
click me for trophy

Final standings:
Pos Forum      Points
1   cliptheapex  378
2   not606       373
3   f1world      321
4   muzz606      298
5   ja606        184
6   f1technical  159
7   f1symposium   87
8   new-606       69
9   vivaf1        45
10  v2             5
11  f1onboard      0
12  gpfocus        0
And here is the photo version. Players who finished in the top 100 on zdkf1 are pictured as drivers. Well done to lotus88 for getting onto the photo as Jenson Button =D>
click me for photo version

Individual championship
Well done to abnash from cliptheapex for winning the individual championship. This is one better than last year when abnash was runner-up, missing out on the title by just three points.
click me for trophy
Abnash was 8th out of everybody on zdkf1, 29 points behind overall zdkf1 winner turbotom, so sushifiesta and rotaxmax remain the only interforum league players to ever win the zdkf1 championship.
All entrants from f1technical:
user        points  pos (/58)  pos on zdkf1 (/488)  races predicted  league points scored
lotus88       669      8                41              17                    76
tomba         398     36               317               5                    25
flaccman      338     41               343               7                    39
ricme85       331     43               345               6                     2
websta        322     45               350               7                    15
smedleymedley 303     47               363               7                     2
lukeaar       169     57               482               1                     0

Bernie medal
Pob from muzz606 takes the Bernie medal for most victories. Pob finished on the podium a total of five times.
click me for trophy
top 10:
pos user       forum     wins 2nds 3rds
1  pob         muzz606     2    2    1
2  silverarrow not606      2    1    0
3  mustang     f1world     2    0    1
4  anti_stan   ja606       1    3    0
5  slyboogy    muzz606     1    1    1
6  roadrunner  not606      1    1    1
7  lotus88     f1technical 1    1    0
8  ramilas     cliptheapex 1    1    0
9  sardaor     cliptheapex 1    0    1
10 jostheboss  cliptheapex 1    0    0

6 tenths award
And a new award for the player who scored the most league points for his forum. I've never bothered with it before, as much like with the F1 driver's championship, it frequently goes to the same winner as under Bernie's medal system. However, this year the Alonso trophy for the six tenths award goes to abnash who scored a massive 124 points for cliptheapex.
click me for trophy
top 10:
pos user       forum     points
1  abnash      cliptheapex 124
2  pob         muzz606     112
3  anti_stan   ja606       103
4  slyboogy    muzz606      96
5  andykarter  f1world      96
6  silverarrow not606       86
7  mustang     f1world      80
8  lotus88     f1technical  76
9  elbando     not606       72
10 ramilas     cliptheapex  69

Quali trophy
The rain in Brazil meant 0 points for everyone this week, so the Trulli trophy for the best pole time predictor goes to lotus88 from f1technical. =D>
click me for trophy
top 10:
pos user           forum     points
1  lotus88         f1technical 15
2  roadrunner      not606      14
3  wtcbu           ja606       13
4  manutddaredevil ja606       12
5  jambo           cliptheapex 12
6  redfrog         f1world     12
7  jb              not606      12
8  fred            not606      12
9  bls             not606      11
10 silverarrow     not606      11

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Re: Interforum League 2013


Thanks for playing and I hope to see you all again next year, hopefully with a few more members playing! :wink:

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Re: Interforum League 2013


Thanks pob for the updates, and congrats to our Lotus88 for keeping out honours up.

Unfortunately I only got around predicting 5 races, but even then didn't end up too bad. I'll try my best to predict a few more next year.