I've written up some draft regulations: http://www.2shared.com/document/GLphMT9 ... avage.html
I've basically picked most of the important rules from the 2014 F1 regs and left them as-is other than some re-wording here and there, then added some KVRC-specific rules. I have omitted any rules that only defined volumes where bodywork is allowed/disallowed, since that can be checked using the regulation boxes instead.
I have added a few rules governing the area around the cockpit since this area was unregulated last year. The cockpit template is one of the mandatory parts that must be enclosed within bodywork, and there is a minimum area for the headrest.
The only thing missing that I can think of is a rule on sidepod shape/volume (as opposed to just inlet area) - I'm not sure how we will do that yet.
I can share the files referenced in the images, unfortunately not in native sketchup format though.