Ross Brawn leaves Mercedes

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Re: Ross Brawn leaves Mercedes


astracrazy wrote:I think Williams will be the only option for Brawn if he is looking for complete control (he'd take Claire under his wing i'd imagine)

There's talk of Mclaren, but i don't see it. I can't see Brawn would want that atmosphere with Dennis and his controlling nature.
But Brawn worked well with Tod and the omnipresent Montezemolo so I think he can face that situation.

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Re: Ross Brawn leaves Mercedes


Why couldn't he work with montezemolo again in place of Domenicali?

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Re: Ross Brawn leaves Mercedes


Brawn to Williams ?
with toto wolff shareholder and Daimler supplying powertrains? from an organisational and technical standpoint it does make sense for WGP and they could not really say "No" if Toto and Merc approved for that one.
Maybe it is just a convenient ways to get rid of Ross and get a bit of control over the happenings at WGP -maybe toto liked what Brawn seeded in MGP over all those years and has hopes to inject new life into the business...
Don´t forget Pat Symmonds is already there and Brawn +Symmonds were a very good Combo to run the Benneton team in the Schumacher years...

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Re: Ross Brawn leaves Mercedes


f1316 wrote:Why couldn't he work with montezemolo again in place of Domenicali?
when ross was at ferrari before he lived there with his family

but if I understand correctly he is now at the grandfather stage ...leaving aside his personal feelings about being away from his grandchildren but based on my own experience I bet his wife would flatly refuse to move away from them !
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Re: Mercedes AMG Petronas F1 Team 2013


so they confirm Brawn departure..any idea where is he going? Mclaren?

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Re: Mercedes AMG Petronas F1 Team 2013


CHT wrote:so they confirm Brawn departure..any idea where is he going? Mclaren?
Ferrari, or McLaren-Honda are possibilities.

Brawn was seen speaking to Ferrari at length in Brazil. And Honda will take anyone that is going, in the shape of McLaren.
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Re: Mercedes AMG Petronas F1 Team 2013


Brawn's most logical solution would to be go to Mclaren.

There could be said lots for Ferrari, a supposedly lengthy talk with domenicali isn't really any proof whatsoever
he's heading there. That doesn't mean he wouldn't actuelly end up there.
Though Ferrari will be eager to get a chamionship, they have zero guarantee Ross will repeat his earlier reign with
ferrari when paired with Todt and Schumacher and Santa's little helper Rubens the red nosed Brazilian.
I just don't see Ross fitting in the current Ferrari team.

That leaves 2 options open, Williams and Mclaren.

Williams is in dire need of results and success, if not, they'll be swindling down into their termination in the not-too
distant future. Surely Ross has the capabilities to bring the leadership Williams needs since Frank simply has gotten
too old and fragile, and the current 'management' just doesn't cut it. The Mercedes engine will surely aid to the situation,
and despite previously thinking otherwise, there are signs Williams will make improvement next year.
But still remains the fact, Ross isn't cheap, Williams doesn't have too big a budget left, even after the PDVSA remains,
and does he believe in the cooperation with the team?

Mclaren is the final of the 3, and would make most sense.
Not only is Mclaren just as well in a situation where they seem unable to get that 'extra' after Ron Dennis had to step down,
they show signs of a missing structure. Very amateurish errors, pitcrew errors, complete design failures [or it's a step to 2014], essentially making very wrong desicions that have great impact, and the strategy is just horrendeous. Their adaptability isn't what it was before, and now they're facing a new era with Honda whom will demand people in place that can guarantee success, and they're not there at all right now.
Ross is a team principle that has the experience of being part of championship winning teams multiple times, from Benneton to Ferrari and Brawn, and they got Merc back to the front aswell. Take into account his experience with Honda
and their very good relationship, with team perssonell of Mercedes in brackley that essentially was honda personnel,
and take the drivers - well, atleast JB. JB and Ross were a championship pairing. I dunno about magnussen, but perhaps
he needed to get that seat because behind doors, he was always gonna end up there but they wanted him to get some experience in a sub-level team?
Take into account Brawn also has experience with mercedes' material and in the end, that could mean gold for Mclaren.

I see Brawn ending up at mclaren easily.
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Re: Mercedes AMG Petronas F1 Team 2013


Manoah2u wrote: ...
I see Brawn ending up at mclaren easily.
Not in this lifetime, I think he will retire and comment for BBC.
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Re: Mercedes AMG Petronas F1 Team 2013


Why would he want to repeat a role as team principal this time ? With all his money in the bank, would he not want to buy a team if he could ? He clearly likes to be totally in charge, and that would be a surefire route. Would McLaren give him the free rein he likes ? I doubt it. He might well pop up doing something entirely different and surprise us all. My vote would be either for his buying a team, or popping up in charge of something unexpected.

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Re: Mercedes AMG Petronas F1 Team 2013


Manoah2u wrote: Take into account Brawn also has experience with mercedes' material and in the end, that could mean gold for Mclaren
If Brawn had any technical input on the W04, I'll eat my hat. Brawn is a manager with a technical background.
He is not part of the design process in so much as that he gets the right people in the right jobs.
Paddy Lowe leaving McLaren hurt them like a smack in the nuts.
Brawn leaving Mercedes will not yield the same impact on the design team, so long as the design team remains intact.

Furthermore, Ferrari are on a recruitment drive of their own. And they recall Brawn very fondly indeed in these times of Red Bull domination.
The McLaren link is there only through Honda. Honda can be as insistant as they like, they will always bow to McLaren's judgement.
Brawns repertoire will not sit easily with Dennis or Mansour Ojjeh.
It is of course possible, but my view is that any McLaren involvement with Brawn will have to have a heavy dose of Honda. ... -in-brazil
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Re: Ross Brawn leaves Mercedes


so it's done
mistake by mercedes in my view , they should have given him whatever he wanted
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Re: Mercedes AMG Petronas F1 Team 2013


I just can't see him taking a similar role at another team it doesn't seem to make sense, he said he's left because of the rule changes so why would he go to another team from one which appears so strong.

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Re: Ross Brawn leaves Mercedes


lebesset wrote:so it's done
mistake by mercedes in my view , they should have given him whatever he wanted
On what basis?
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Re: Ross Brawn leaves Mercedes


McLaren do need a shake up, but shoe horning Brawn into Woking isn't a shake up.

Creating space for Brawn at any team is a strategic move that can't be done overnight, so if he does take on a leadership role at any team it'll start in 2015. I wouldn't rule an advisory role in 2014.

I expect the most likely option will be to take a year out from F1 and use that time to manoeuvre for a role in 2015 .... or find something completely different.

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Re: Ross Brawn leaves Mercedes


FoxHound wrote:
lebesset wrote:so it's done
mistake by mercedes in my view , they should have given him whatever he wanted
On what basis?
just have a look at his record
to the optimist a glass is half full ; to the pessimist a glass is half empty ; to the F1 engineer the glass is twice as big as it needs to be