AMuS did a very interesting interview with pat fry about the developments on de F138. the main points are:
-probles startet in kanada when they introduced new body work
-they tried variations of their car with more rake
-they were lucky that the car didn't destroy the 2013 tires like merc did
-they tried red bulls exhaust solution
-they didn't use the hole in the nose anymore becouse it wasn't helping and they wanted to simplify everything
-everyone's working on interactive suspensions. even though it doesn't make you that faster it's worth developing
-it's a good thing to have many chiefs like merc does.
-they started working testing on the 2014 car 2 years ago. since january thei're testing in their windcanal. since 2012 rory bryne is working with a team on engine introduction
-the biggest challange is there'll be changes everywhere and you can make mistakes everywhere
-cooling propably will be very conversative, becouse you can't afford to be working on such things
-aerodynamic will be as important as in the past 15 years. engines won't make that difference. maybe in race when it comes to fuel efficancy
-there will be entirely new solutions no one ever has seen before
-aerodinamic wise there aren't much loopholes, but engine wise are many things you can do
-if f14 (not official name of the new car) wins it won't be ugly
read full story here: ... 43954.html