if this means that they move the car's position while the tunnel is running and while they are still collecting data, im surprised then that other tunnels dont do this.
for bicycles, a wheel manufacturer will test its wheel at different yaw angles, 0-30degrees. the devil's in the details:
When we first started publishing data on the 808 we were using the same wind tunnel protocol that everyone else was using, where you start at 0 and yaw outward taking data, but we realized in 2004 that if you yaw out to 20 or 30 degrees and then take data coming back, there is a pretty sizable hysteresis gap between the two data sets (you get the identical phenomenon with aircraft wings if you take them past their stall angle) We have subsequently changed our protocol to use the 30-0 data instead of the 0-30 protocol after finding that unless you take the wheel all the way back to 0 and let it stabilize, the wheel will continue on the 30-0 curve and not the 0-30 curve, which tends to predict lower drag. This is how you see lens disc data with negative drag, on the old protocol, this would happen about 1 in 3 runs with that type of wheel but was not consistent, after switching to the new protocol we had not seen negative drag in over 200 hours of tunnel time until we had that negative 80 with the disc prototype this february, it was particularly exciting as we had all assumed that negative drag was essentially not possible on the new protocol, and we repeated that data point 2 more times to make sure.
from Josh at Zipp, Slowtwitch.com