Something has been niggling away at me for several years now regarding simulation issues in wind tunnels....
In the tunnel the car is static (although I believe they do spin the wheels) and the 'wind' (air) moves, whereas in real life the air speed is more or less static (relative to the vehicle speed) and it is the car that moves. For the flow above the car I could imagine that this is not so much of an issue, but for simulation of the flow beneath the car I am struggling, from an intellectual perspective, to visualise the flow patterns between the underside of the car and the track surface.
After a long discussion several years back about diffuser models this issue has been going around in my head and I can't get to the bottom of how this could be replicated in the tunnel, even with a belt underneath the car travelling at the same speed as the air stream.
I'm not sure if I'm able to articulate what I'm trying to say here, but the air molecules at the track surface are effectively stationary until the car travels over that piece of asphalt, this seems to me to be a quite different situation to a rapidly moving airstream being 'interfered with' by a static car in the tunnel. If I try to visualise what is happening at a given static spot of the circuit as the vehicle travels over it I have difficulty in translating that to the discussions about Bernoulli and air being accelerated beneath the car to generate low pressure. For a given air molecule that is sitting somewhere above the track surface as the vehicle travels past what happens to that molecule (and the molecules around it) to generate the low pressure? It is evident from the wake turbulence of the cars that there is quite some disturbance and that the air is disturbed by the transit of the car, but I can't translate that to a 'static' molecule (or cluster) suddenly going from stationary to high speed flow as the car passes. That the vehicles generate downforce from the undertray is not at question here.... what I'm struggling with is whether the flow under the vehicle in the wind tunnel is the same as what is occurring on the track.
Can any clever aero chaps enlighten me as to whether I am missing a point here?