Hi everyone,
First of all, I would like to thank you all for your posts which are so interesting and from which we can acquire so much knowledge.
And now I can introduce myself...I am a student in the final year of a Master in Mechanical Engineering. I have decided to boldly take the step and create a new topic to ask you some advices and explanation.
I am currently working on my Master Thesis, which subject is "Computing a Lap Time Simulation - Coupling with the Vehicle Dynamics". In a previous thesis, which forms the basis of my work, a LTS based on a Steady-State strategy had been developed under MATLAB. But the inconvenient of such a program is that it can't take into account the transient vehicle dynamics. So, a vehicle model had been created into a multibody systems software and some tyre efforts, suspension parameters, ..., had been defined. In this model, the guidance of the vehicle along the track is done by means of a dummy arm connected to the centre of gravity of the vehicle and permanently pointing the following points of the trajectory.
Thus, my first aim is to replace this arm by implementing a driver model (I have chosen the MacAdam Model) in order to improve the trajectory tracking of the car and to smooth it (we consider the driver as perfect (no delay) and the optimal trajectory as already known). Once it will be done, I will have to play on accelerating and braking phases in order to minimize the lap time and the transient effects applied on the car, this being the final goal of my Master Thesis.
That's why, finally, I would like to know more about the vehicle transient behaviour, which are the most critical parameters to pay attention to, which are correlated to each other, the importance of yaw, and so on.
Hoping that I haven't been too boring... And thanking you again for transmitting your passion through this forum !