I was looking some more at that venturi device on the rear wing support/monkey seat of the 29. I was certain I had seen this configuration somewhere before:-
And here it is, as used to rapidly inflate airline emergency slides in seconds:-
You can see a video demo of what effect this device has, in terms of accelerating huge gobs of extra air mass through that hole, in this video from Richard Hammond's Engineering Connections (I know, highbrow):-
I think that device (an aspirator), driven by the exhaust, is accelerating a large amount of extra fresh air either out from under the engine cover - which may expain the extra large lateral ducts either side of the exhaust tunnel in the engine cover - or from the ambient air, directly over the top of the centre of the diffuser. Looking at how it is positioned, it could be either:-
If so, what impact does it have? It could be for cooling (sucking hot air out of the engine bay, or reducing the heat of the exhaust mix over the rear crash structure), or aerodynamic effect, working the rear end somehow.
Either way it's not coincidence - there has to be a reason for that layout. And Teams like Red Bull, Mercedes, Williams etc don't do it:
This signature is encrypted to avoid complaints, but it makes me laugh out loud:-
16S75 13E7K 41C53 7CT23 14O5O 67R32 76175 90B67 L4L42 41O63 72W56 98M10 52E87