F1 look alikes Maldonado and Novulari.
Lol Enzo
Or...Aliens...SectorOne wrote:that´s the only F1 image that freaks me out a bit.
I think there´s only one logical conclusion to this, Occam´s razor and everything. Maldo has a time machine.
You win this thread, somebody give this man a throphy =D>stefan_ wrote:https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/ ... 9959_n.jpg
" Felipe baby - 20 boxes of Martini at the Lotus hospitality, or your race will be over 3.5 seconds after the lights go out."
" First, try catching me from where you qualified..! "stefan_ wrote:" Felipe baby - 20 boxes of Martini at the Lotus hospitality, or your race will be over 3.5 seconds after the lights go out."