Hello everyone.
As i'm sure about 7 of you know i run a Youtube channel reviewing cars, etc bla, bla. And this week i decided i fancied doing something more in depth, more exciting and on a car that everybody loves.
The small documentary will be called: Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About The Jaguar F Type V6 S.
I know its a catchy title but it will seriously be about 30 to 40 minutes long, and i will illustrate everything people may want to know about the car, and do everything with it, it may take a while but it should be fun!
Here is a small trailer..
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fKAD2IS ... d02Udjnygw[/youtube]
I didn't have a tripod when filming this, thanks to my awful memory, i'll have it next time i film the Jaguar though