Hi guys, this week's report is the last one before the completion of the car
Rear and front wing
I started with the rear wing. It consists of two layers- a basic black one and a coloured one made up of 5 subpieces.
Next, the RW main wing. One bended piece (for the curvature) and two vertical strakes on both sides. You can also see the slots for the supports.
The upper lement. It has a small grey DRS attachment plate:
The DRS activator:
The stickered main plates
All components:
And assembled:
The supports:
And the rear wing installed in place:
Next, the FW. Here is the main plane.
With the endplate bases:
The endplates and glueing them in place:
The third wing element:
The top elemnt added+ some tiny details:
The cascades and installing them:
The underside of the FW with its 5 vertical strakes on each side:
And the varnished and glued in place FW:
In total, the FW consist of 50 pieces.
The car's state until now:
Next report will feature the completed F14T.