Khamsin Virtual Racecar Challenge 2014

Post here information about your own engineering projects, including but not limited to building your own car or designing a virtual car through CAD.
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Re: Khamsin Virtual Racecar Challenge 2014


i see. so for example the nose tip rule is in dark red but also, in future, you'd like its group name is the rule number?

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Re: Khamsin Virtual Racecar Challenge 2014


astracrazy wrote:i see. so for example the nose tip rule is in dark red but also, in future, you'd like its group name is the rule number?
Exactly! The whole assembly tree should be structured in the same way of the rule book structer (sections/chapters/articles).

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Re: Khamsin Virtual Racecar Challenge 2014


CAEdevice wrote:
astracrazy wrote:"but the names and the assembly structure"

how do you mean
The names and colours helped very much, but it would be perfect if avery volumes/surface could be linked (by its name for example) to the related rule.
Originally I had each individual rule guide as a named part, but this was lost somewhere along the line when it was moved over to sketchup. Its very easy to do this better next year, but I think there are a number of bigger changes that should be made to make the rulebook easier to follow. I'll save my thoughts on this for when this year's competition is finished.

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Re: Khamsin Virtual Racecar Challenge 2014


cdsavage wrote:
CAEdevice wrote:
astracrazy wrote:"but the names and the assembly structure"

how do you mean
The names and colours helped very much, but it would be perfect if avery volumes/surface could be linked (by its name for example) to the related rule.
Originally I had each individual rule guide as a named part, but this was lost somewhere along the line when it was moved over to sketchup. Its very easy to do this better next year, but I think there are a number of bigger changes that should be made to make the rulebook easier to follow. I'll save my thoughts on this for when this year's competition is finished.
Well, I think that SketchUp is a weak point of the KVRC :)

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Re: Khamsin Virtual Racecar Challenge 2014


ye, like i say i don't want to get too much into all this stuff now. Its sort of going away from the original question.

I know sketchup is not the best program but it is quiet a simple program for people to get hands on with. If we can tailor it better for people using other programs we will try.

Try and remember these sort of suggestions for after this season and we will go through everything in more detail so we can improve going forward

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Re: Khamsin Virtual Racecar Challenge 2014


Well, I think that SketchUp is a weak point of the KVRC :)
Those who are doing all their modeling within Sketchup might think differently, but I would agree with you on this - sketchup is very inefficient when dealing with imported geometry. I know that Julien has opened up the option of submitting STL files instead of SKP files, but IIRC this requires multiple labelled solids within the one STL, which not all modeling packages can do. Also this is the *Khamsin* virtual racecar challenge, Khamsin being a sketchup plugin...

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Re: Khamsin Virtual Racecar Challenge 2014


CAEdevice wrote:
andylaurence wrote:@CAEdevice - you say you're not interested in a fantasy formula, but how about a real formula with more liberal aerodynamic rules? For example, I run to Sports Libre rules as published by the MSA, for which the rules are simply governed by S10.2 and S14.1.1 (plus a few things in section J). Perhaps a standardised chassis could be provided with an open book to do as you please?
Thanks for the interesting link. A "custom" forumla would be interesting from a technical point of view, but there would be two weak points:

1) Less fascinating than "contemporary" F1 (it's a personal opinion, but I like the idea of faceing the same problems of a real designer)
2) KVRC cars that are running now (mine included) are not completely realistic, I imagine that with custom rules we would see flying saucers intead of cars :)
I think your first point would likely offend the people designing current sprint and hillclimb cars. The constructors involved include Gould (who do a lot of F1 carbon work and Formula E), Pilbeam, lots of specialised manufacturers, some of whom use F1 designers to do their aero. Willem Toet, head of aero at Sauber, penned the aero on the latest Empire Wraith, for example.

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Re: Khamsin Virtual Racecar Challenge 2014


Less fascinating is subjective I believe,

For example, in hillclimb there is more aerodynamic freedom, but a lot of the aerodynamics you will find is common with F1, so I would say I find any race car fascinating, at an aerodynamic point of view, it always amazes me what solutions are came up with under tight rule constraints as well as the solutions in fairly loose rules, so I would support a move to a more open regulation competition to run in parallel to the flagship F1 based KVRC challenge if this was a possibility :) I would love to come back on-board one day soon in the future
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Re: Khamsin Virtual Racecar Challenge 2014


I think it would be awesome if you guys were building cars with more aerodynamic freedom.... Everyone always complains about the F1 rules being too prescriptive in real life, so why copy a feature nobody likes? It would also mean there would be less of a requirement to check the legality of the cars.. making that part of the whole process much easier. I also have track data for most of the main sprint/hillclimb venues in the England, although I would say it would be more interesting to keep using F1 tracks; just because everyone knows Monaco and Monza and it is interesting to compare the lap times to real F1 cars.

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Re: Khamsin Virtual Racecar Challenge 2014


I dont want this to run away too much away from where we currently are. I still think the kvrc identity needs to stay IF we change the rule book foundations. i.e f1 tracks or similar, open wheel etc

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Re: Khamsin Virtual Racecar Challenge 2014


This would be interesting if it could have a parallel competition ran, but obviously resources are restricted :)
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Re: Khamsin Virtual Racecar Challenge 2014


You say that about identity Luke but when you take a step back and look at the name Khamsin Virtual RACECAR Challenge it indicates that it could be any 'formula' or racing.

back to 2014, I have an issue and was wondering if anyone else has had the same problem.
The last 3 or 4 runs I have tried to do on my updated car have been a disaster. I have been using the 2014 tunnel supplied by KVRC (I have a backup so I always have the default settings) yet recently when looking at my model in Paraview its not smooth, there are steps on every rounded edge:

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Re: Khamsin Virtual Racecar Challenge 2014


Have a look at the log, the mesh process didn't get all the way through for some reason. There is most likely a hole in your geometry or something like that.

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Re: Khamsin Virtual Racecar Challenge 2014


Hi. A quick message to follow up on an earlier discussion regarding mesh cleaning issues (ie spurious faces that were added to people's design in the CFD model). As mentioned I am organising for an Hangout on Air on the issue with presentation.

Hangout on Air URL: ... nfo8u5cmv8 - it is in a couple of hours...
Presentation slides: ... esentation - apologies for the ugliest template ever...

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Re: Khamsin Virtual Racecar Challenge 2014


Just letting you know that I am starting on the HoA thingy. link is as per above.