beelsebob wrote:idfx wrote:You must know the J2ME is Java-based mobile ( cell phone, digital TV , smartphone , tablet ) . Java is lightweight , but it's hard to program because it is quite robust . It is how to program ; Direct the "root"
C # and C # language excelent , teams use a lot. Programming errors are due ; by conflicting commands or error to declare a variable and generally it blocks everything .
Ex : The car can be slow , because two Variables create a third , and the software does not run the command . Find the error in several lines of code created by someone else is a @ # $ % & .
The development team of software has to be the same simulator and should do the maintenance work with new solutions .
Games development teams can help teams .
LUA and python are more flexible and can be combined with C # and C # assisting in complex commands .
We can create an AI (artificial intelligence ) for car, adapting to specific conditions . Or solve problems separately or integrated management form.
Video games ( xbox , playtation ) can be used to simulate CFD , they have 64 cores . It is an economical alternative.
I think the FIA have to encourage this kind of research interest .
What did I just read?
Someone's fantasy about how he thinks the world should be according to his own limited projection.
As I've stated before: for non in vehicle software the scope is just too broad to discuss and every assumption might be correct. There's no point in discussing if they are using unix or windows servers and what database, it can be any combination.
In vehicle software: just stop the silly talks and listen to someone who has first hand experience in it. I don't work in F1 but I have many years of experience in automotive and realtime. These days, at best, you can program a HW abstraction layer, and believe me. It's just C/C++ depending on the chosen OS. Most of the time this layer is written by the HW supplier and the only thing needed is adapt it to the OS (think of it like writing a driver). After that, there mostly is no more programming. Model based is the current way of working.
Model based design:
Hardware in the loop, read through the pdf, or at least look at the pics to have an idea: ... action.cfm
Anyone talking about ECUs (as in electronic controller unit, not engine controller unit) and not recognizing the above is just talking bullsh**.
Either learn or ask questions, but don't take your own assumptions for reality. [-o<