If I were to change some things on F1, I wouldn't focus on the technical side. I would make the sport a little more raw, like in the older days.
- Race on tracks with rougher/less perfect track asphalt (Montreal, Monaco e.g)
- Remove the asphalt run-off zones and replace them with a hybrid type of gravel-trap. I don't want to see cars go off the track and not get 'punished'
- Make the cars sound loud and raw (e.g. 90's)
- Make tracks less wide and less forgiving (Montreal vs. Bahrain or Spa vs. China e.g)
These simple things would improve the spectacle by a ton imo. Not because there would be more crashes, but every race would be a lot less forgiving. 1 mistake and you're out or off the track. It's the thing I in the current state afairs.