I was looking to buy sensors to measure aero downforce and found out that load cells cost arround $2000 each. I have seen in the past years some that are difficult to calibrate and mount if you want to use them in different type of cars (touring or formula) with different type of dampers .
I also have seen some home made cells that consist in an Aluminum ring between the damper nut and the spring. Inside there is damper (or brake) fluid and a brake pressure sensor (100Hz is the max rate you can use with that, at least in AIM systems)
With that you can measure compression but not expansion Im afraid, but it may be enough to measure aero loads in straing line testing or in a skidpad. The cost of each sensor is $150 and the hidraulic device is very cheap, only 4 pieces of Al7075, a couple of orings and some fun time in the mill.
I would like to hear opinions or if there is any other drawback Im not seeing.