Scardini1 wrote:Are there any regulations that would prevent a Delta Wing type design from appearing at F1?
There are many.
Covered wheels are not allowed
Front wheels that narrow are not allowed
The extreme rear weight bias is not allowed
It also violates several bodywork rules, including but not limited to:
Aside from that, there are more practical limitations, such as:
-it would be difficult to get adequate cooling for the 2014 powertrains within the tiny body of a deltawing-like design, which originally housed an engine with much lower heat rejection requirements. They had quite some difficulty getting it to not overheat the 1.9l elan engine.
-not having wings makes it hard to adjust aerodynamic balance and change drag/downforce betweeen tracks
-Pirelli doesn't supply a bicycle tire for the fronts
-You'd be giving up DRS
-You can't capitalize on the weight advantage of the design because of the minimum weight