autogyro wrote:How about a supercharged through scavenge two stroke with only one moving part.
Any investors out there?
Wouldn't that just be a jet engine?
Though I've heard of free piston two strokes that do this.
They use the brayton cycle. A single piston with a large diameter for the compressor and a small piston for the working cylinder with a common shaft, using piston-port valving.
The large piston compresses the charge in advance, and then when the small piston uncovers the port the precompressed charge rushes in driving the exhaust out, is compressed, by the spring and/or counterweight, and ignites it again driving the weight upward or compressing the spring- at the same time preparing the next charge.
There really hasn't been any new development in engine technology that can't be found in the engines of 100 years ago.
Even my design, all I did was took well documented concepts and put them together a little differently.
But despite being built out of scrap metal on a peanuts budget, it breathes fire. And I am currently drawing up plans for an even better one built with my recently improved budget that should have a lot less friction and much better sealing- hopefully enough to make it come alive.