I hope that's not true I really do.Jonnycraig wrote:Craig Slater on SSN stating an eyewitness told him Bianchi went under the tractor.
That makes me fear the worst... [-o<Oakstreet wrote:New picture on twitter, for who wants to see it
https://twitter.com/mateusferreiraj/sta ... 3937584128
Photos floating around show a chunk of the airbox missing, wingmirror ripped off and damage on the nose infront of the cockpit so unfortunately it's going to be a very bad one.ringo wrote:Doesn't look good, but doesn't look too bad either..
At least he didn't get squeezed under as you can see that the cockpit is still intact.
I hope it's just the G force that has rendered him unconscious and not some kind of crush or squeeze.