IMHO if they continue using diggers/cranes for cars recovery, they should use bumpers to avoid if things go wrong, it´s the helmet the first part to receive the impact (I´ve just watched the slow motion video and I´m still shocked, I´d be really surprised if he survive)
This is not first time I think about this terrific posibility, not even second, but many times. This was another good example when only luck allowed none got injured
Someone said using bumpers/barriers for the cranes will never help the Marshals, and that´s true, but at least we would avoid this sort of fatalities
To protect Marshals too there´re two options, stop using diggers and start using telescopic cranes (if that´s the name in english) as they do in Monaco. I mean one of this
It will be more expensive, but safety wise, it´s well worth
But that also have a problem, when a car is seriously damaged at the front or rear and have lost front wheels and nose for example, it´s difficult to recover with a crane because it´s unbalanced. For those cases the only safe option is slowing down the cars to pit-lane speed, or 100km/h for example
Anycase I´m wondering.... what´s the responsability of Pirelli here? Everybody knows these wet tires are rubbish. This also remind me something I´ve wondered more than once. If they (FIA) is so concerned about cornering speed, they should put a new regulation, minimal free height. These cars suffer from aquaplanning too easily, in my understanding (correct me if I´m wrong) because of the rubbish tires, and because of the low height. If heigh would be higher, they would not suffer from aquaplanning that easily so cars would be slower at cornering, and safer in the wet
I personally think best option would be using bumpers for the cranes (that´s a must no matter what more options are used), I´d force Pirelli to develop his wet tires much more, new regulation about minimal free height, and maybe limiting track speed when situation is very difficult like when hard rain.
PS: some people is talking about low visibility. That´s not a problem, when there´s low light it´s much easier to see the lights on your wheel, and they have a yellow light there showing yellow flag zone, so I´m pretty sure Jules knew he was on yellow flag zone