i have a basic question. I try for my self a bit calculation on a basic open wheel Race car concept car. and try to understand some things.
I want to know how much down force i need for a turn with 1,6g. With a my friction coef. and the mass of the car and the The equ.: F=m*a and Fy=Mue*Fz i calculate for example 3500N for Fz is needed.
with the weightransfer calculation in turn with 1,6g i can calculate my Axle/ Tire Loads on front and rear generate form the car:
Fzf: 1388N Fzr: 1680 Fz complete: 3068N
Now: i subtract the 3500N Need downforce minus 3068N = 438N Downforce i need from my wings.
But How can i calculate how much i have to put on the front and how much on rear from the 438N downforce i need?
I think a good aproximation is to take the same amount as the Percent of the Weight transfer? Or the static Weight distribution?
And what about a diffusor? i think the best is that the center of pressure of the diffusor is at the same location as the cg?
I´ve read that 35-40% of the complete downforce is generate by the front Axle? Why this? How much is generate by the diffusor and the rear wing for a general open wheel race car, as a rule of thumb?
I would be great to discuss a few things here.
Thank you