That would be legal (IMO) . Behind 50mm behind the tip you can use the full 330mm.mrluke wrote:I read the first point as saying your 9,000 and 20,000mm2 areas can only be 100mm deep, i.e. a minimum width of 200mm at a point 150mm behind the tip.
I would agree with your interpretation of the 2nd point.
Interesting that only the 9,000mm2 cross section has a max width of 140, as soon as you are 51mm behind the tip it can be 330 wide? so mercedes could put a red bull horizontal tip at the end of their nose and it would pretty much be there?
The rules only concern the impact absorbing structure. But the vanity panel doesn't count as crash structure. So they can use the vanity panel to make a smooth transition from the 140mm width at 50mm behind the tip to the 330mm width at 150mm behind the tip, right?
The question is: IS the vaniy panel excluded from the 140mm width rule?
edit: another sloppy drawn picture: what you see is the cross-section of the impact absorbing structure in TOP VIEW(!) which is black. The first 50mm don't exceed 140mm in width but behind that the nose is 330mm wide. The sharp step is covered by the vaniy panel (ugly green).

Somehow i doubt that this shape has any advantage. The only advantage i can imagine is that the shape gets as flat as possible very early.