I don think these 'changes' are bad at all, actually.
Yes, in a sense, Brazil loses one 'classic' feat; the pitlane entry. It was characteristic for Brazil, it allows very tight and close-call actions on entering or not entering pits at the last moment.
But with that, is the huge danger. I think it's a pure and absolute miracle there hasn't been a huge grave accident (atleast in F1) at that potentially lethal barrier.
Cars go full out from the corner into the rise to the straight and contact, slippery conditions, a driver error, mechanical failure or a sudden puncture can all cause a driver losing control of it's vehicle. That goes for the entire season, but on this certain spot at brazil it can potentially change into your vehicle slamming with 200+ kph into a steel barrier that has zero deceleration obstacles or 'safety' measurements installed. In essense, what happened to bianchi, or what happend to Kubica in canada a long while ago, is highly possible. It's insane that it never happened though
´unchanged' isnt always a positive thing. Imagine the classic monza turn being run with today's cars. that could end ugly very fast. Monaco like in the 50's.
Quite frankly, I like the way that wall is constructed. It doesnt ruin the looks of the track, actually, i feel like it improves the track and gives it a even more ´characteristic' look.
Pitlane entry is much, much, much safer now. I've been baffled that hasn't been done years ago.
Some minor track 'updates' or 'resurfacing' doesnt change much. The overall and basic concept of the track is still the same.
Itś not like its suddenly Korea or something like that.
I think we should welcome these 'updates' since it guarantees this track will remain the Brazil GP for the coming decade(s). 'I want my mommy i dont want change' - yeah, you realise that would have resulted in 'i want my mommy they've no longer got sao paolo track, despite its still the same'.
I'm curious on how the track will be at race day. In the sense of how these changes effect the laps, race, etc.
The curves immediately after the start/finish line are legendary and imho should never change. i love the huge stretch of grass as a runoff. If there's any spot where you should never put runoff, itś there - atleast, perhaps plant some at the very end, but not at the front.
thanks for the sharing OP