Well, my English is not so good, I struggle to see you you mean. mep, reducing the inertia of the gearbox, wheels, etc to the engine is what I wrote in equation 5 at the previous page:
Iequ = [ ( Iengine + Igear ) * itot^2 ] + [ Ireardiff * reardiffratio^2 ) + 2 * Iwheel
When you mention the traction force is the force the tyre is able to transmit, I agree with this, but in my case, I assume no grip limitation so basically I directly convert the wheel torque into the tractive force (later I will include grip limitation but for now it doesn't change anything).
You wrote "engine power reduced by losses due to efficiency and rotating mass inertia". Yes this is what I am trying to do, calculate the inertia resistance that I can remove from my engine torque, but in this equation:
Torque = Inertia * Angular_acceleration
I am missing one parameter to calculate that torque, it is angular acceleration of the engine.
Again, I don't want to assume no slip between the tyre and the road. The driven wheels will have a higher linear velocity than the car (I am only simulating acceleration at the moment).
This is the same for Blanchimont, you wrote "substract the power to accelerate the gearbox, diff, ...", yes, this is what I am trying to do and this is the question I had labelled "second question". I need to see some equations, I think it would be clearer.