Hi guys, i'd like to ask why endplates over the past few years have this hemispherical shape? What's its purpose?
The foot plate has to meet minimum surface dimensions. The curved, half tunneled foot plate you're speaking of helps create a vortex that helps seal the pressure difference above & below the wing. It also helps divert air around the front tyre as the vortex it forms spins clockwise. Anyone feel free to correct any of my post if wrong.ArgyrisB wrote:Hi guys, i'd like to ask why endplates over the past few years have this hemispherical shape? What's its purpose?
Thanks for your reply!Crucial_Xtreme wrote:The foot plate has to meet minimum surface dimensions. The curved, half tunneled foot plate you're speaking of helps create a vortex that helps seal the pressure difference above & below the wing. It also helps divert air around the front tyre as the vortex it forms spins clockwise. Anyone feel free to correct any of my post if wrong.ArgyrisB wrote:Hi guys, i'd like to ask why endplates over the past few years have this hemispherical shape? What's its purpose?
I asked Scarbs & Aero A about the outwash. Here is the reply.wesley123 wrote:I believe it's sole purpose is to create a "tunnel" and to create a seal for the front wing. I believe it helps reduce sensitivity of the wing.
I don't think it is to help aid air around the tire, mainly because pre-2009 wings utilized the same shape.
Thanks Andy, I will take a look and see if I can throw in some CFD analysis while I'm not using the computer!andylaurence wrote:Quite a few front wings to choose from on GrabCAD.
A Cfd simulation would be great! I found a great site on twitter https://twitter.com/momentumCFD , it has some interesting videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRdcTA_C3JY about this subject.MadMatt wrote:Interesting explaination. It would be so great to have a nice CFD streamline animation of that process, oh well.
If anybody got a nice detailed front wing I could perform a quick CFD simulation and post results here? I just need a CAD model.
Are you seriously going to say you found that website after I just posted it in a different thread I started the very day before? Little unethical if you ask me. If you see somebody post a website and think it would be a good addition to a different thread then do them a favour and at least mention the person who posted it first.ArgyrisB wrote:A Cfd simulation would be great! I found a great site on twitter https://twitter.com/momentumCFD , it has some interesting videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRdcTA_C3JY about this subject.MadMatt wrote:Interesting explaination. It would be so great to have a nice CFD streamline animation of that process, oh well.
If anybody got a nice detailed front wing I could perform a quick CFD simulation and post results here? I just need a CAD model.
Sorry if i offended you in any way. I just wanted to share the video about the subject.trinidefender wrote:Are you seriously going to say you found that website after I just posted it in a different thread I started the very day before? Little unethical if you ask me. If you see somebody post a website and think it would be a good addition to a different thread then do them a favour and at least mention the person who posted it first.ArgyrisB wrote:A Cfd simulation would be great! I found a great site on twitter https://twitter.com/momentumCFD , it has some interesting videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRdcTA_C3JY about this subject.MadMatt wrote:Interesting explaination. It would be so great to have a nice CFD streamline animation of that process, oh well.
If anybody got a nice detailed front wing I could perform a quick CFD simulation and post results here? I just need a CAD model.
I shouldn't use the word " i found" and i am sorry for that, but i don't think that the point is who found first the site. Whatever i can recognise my fault and i apologise but my only purpose was to make a discussion about the video and the pics.trinidefender wrote:A down vote for expressing my opinion, nice people. I wasn't getting offended for my sake. I was simply stating that if somebody posts something then don't go on another post and say you found something. Have the courtesy to at least mention the person who first found/posted the information. It is the normal respectable thing to do.