I'm a not so long member but a long time lurker.. As of many of you I'm a formula 1 fan! My son also likes racing cars so I thought lets get him a Formula 1 bed. But I don't like the flat looking beds. So I started drawing a F1 bed with a matress and kind of the same proportions as an F1 car has.
These are my drawings:
First sketch

Detail scaled sketch:

After my drawings I found some used go-kart wheels on the internet and bought some wood and started drawing all the panels out on the wood. After drawing it all out of course I started cutting them out nicely as I draw all on scale.

Then I started building it bit by bit and this is where I'm at at the moment.

I found the frontwing a bit difficult to build but this is how it looks like:


Last couple of photo's:

I'm still working on the front suspension. And I still have to sand it and make the edges childproof! There is also a RGB Led light for underneath the floor so there is a nightlight build in aswell. Offcorse it's going to have a paint job and sponsor stickers and a final transparent coating to make it last longer.
I hope you guys like it.