FLC wrote:Oh, and that little cute "besides" at the beginning of the quote - that's also funny.
Nothing's funny about it. Ferrari cheated and got discovered. You would be all happy if it wasn't, I'm sure, but dissimulating a cheat and getting caught is no honorable thing to brag about.
It has nothing to do with the "mass damper" case and other things that were deemed illegal because of VERY "creative" reasoning by the FIA. I'm talking about doing something that is written in the regulations that is not allowed, doing it and covering it. I'm talking about the n-th time that Ferrari's face is covered in mud because of lack of sportsmanship and cheating. Not even "creative thinking"...
It seems that the FIA is very keen in ruling things as "illegal" when they advantage teams other than Ferrari with absurd arguments and fail to see every time Ferrari is deliberately cheating. they even employ the same creative thinking to endorse some of Ferrari's clearly illegal developments (see the movable aero devices that were classified as "brake ducts" whatever design Ferrari employs for them). This time, let's be happy that no reasoning could make a movable floor legal.
It is not the competition that gets benefits from discovering cheats. It's the sport altogether and it's general image.