Some rule clarifications for round 2. I will be updating the rulebook PDF where necessary (no changes made to the guide file).
- There were a couple of entries which were exported with a very fine quality setting, and this caused some problems. I would ask that everyone try to keep the total size of the STL files (before compression) below about 80mb for ASCII STL files, and below 20mb for binary. This applies mainly to those exporting from solid modelling packages.
- In rule K3.6 (mirrors): the phrase 'with the rear wing removed' refers to the rear wing profiles only, not the endplates. This means for some entries, the mirrors will need to be moved slightly inboard.
- Rule K4.4 (exhausts): Previously we specified a circle of diameter 80mm. We now ask for a circle with area >= 5000mm^2. With very coarse tessellation at the exhaust, there was a small area reduction while still arguably meeting the 80mm diameter.
- Some more wording added to the rulebook for the 10mm thickness rule - all in line with what's been communicated so far in this thread or in emails/PMs.
- For rule K2.4 (wheel visibility), the 'wheels' are considered to be the entire volume of the wheel well (see image), not the wheels included in the CFD parts file. The exceptions (eg 'more than 950mm from the centerline of the car') previously only applied to the front and not the top - they now apply to both.
- Extra wording at the end of K2.6 concerning front suspension mounting: If the front suspension was offset from the footbox in the Z-axis, it was possible to have the inside of the front suspension members hanging in space. This rule now states that there must be a realistic load path to the chassis, consisting of bodywork at least 25mm thick.
- Extra wording in K3.2: it is legal to not use any rear wing profiles.
I would also like to ask for any feedback on possibly replacing the side impact structures with an internal 2d template, parallel to the inlet surface and a certain distance rearward of it, of any shape (with a minimum width and height, and area something like 150K mm^2), which must be contained inside the bodywork. If we were to use something like this, we would not make the change any earlier than round 4, when we switch to the lower-drag rounds.
Now time for some more images
JJR Racing: