I'm not a chassis guy, so I'm trying to learn. I've been reading about kingping lately and I have a question...I'm pretty sure that for someone with enough knowledge my question might seems stupid, but I prefer to ask! -sorry guys-. So, by definition kingpin is "the angle, measured in degrees, that forms the line passing through the kingpin and the perpendicular to the ground looking at the vehicle from the front" right!? I have seen many race cars that use the upper rose joints to change the camber. From my understanding, they change the length of the upper arm to change camber, hence the upper rose joint moves towards the center line of the car (in the case of negative camber), am I right!? If that happens,is the kingpin changing as well!?
P.S: something like this is what I mean
http://australia.radicalsportscars.com/ ... 847f81.jpg