variante wrote:cdsavage wrote:- K4.1: Added ‘area template’ defined relative to the rear face of the inner template for the cooling inlet. The 'inlet surface' would now represent the mouth of the inlet duct, and the area template would represent the heat exchanger itself.
We discussed about this rule before the season had started, but it's been decided not to introduce it due to rule checking issues (if i remember correcly, it was me, the guy with the smallest sidepods, the one who proposed the introduction of that rule). What has changed from to those days?
As I remember it, at that time we were discussing a rule similar to one in the 2014 KVRC rulebook, governing a section of all bodywork more than a certain distance from the car centerline, at a specified plane. This rule specifies a separate template part, which must be contained inside the bodywork but which is otherwise not tied to the external shape of the bodywork. The plane containing this part is defined relative to the inlet position, not at an absolute location, so there's freedom as to where it is placed.
variante wrote:cdsavage wrote:- K4.2: Outlet must now be at least 1000mm rearwards of the inlet (+200mm). Last 200mm of outer template may intersect rear suspension templates. Inner template may intersect rear suspension templates.
Intersection of template and rear suspension: something like this was requested by a couple of people and I think it's a reasonable change. In compliance checking of the 'minimal' sidepod designs, it has been very common to see the outer template for the cooling outlet intersecting the rear suspension templates slightly. The 1000mm minimum distance change could be omitted, but I think this should have been longer from the beginning. If we're making changes to the cooling system anyway, now would be the time to make this change.
CAEdevice wrote:Would it be not realistic to allow the cooling outlet intersect the rear suspension in a longer volume?
I think a small increase to the 200mm dimension would be reasonable if we're keeping the 1000mm minimum distance change in K4.2.
CAEdevice wrote:Is there any change about the realism of the flow path between cooling inlet and outlet?
It's a good question, this is definitely an area that could do with clarification. We could specify that if this path passes around the engine template (eg the Mantium entry for round 2, with the single central outlet), then the bodywork surrounding the engine template must remain at least X mm away from the template. We could regulate this with another 'guide' part, which would consist of the surfaces of the engine template offset by X mm. In the case where the path does not pass by the engine template, eg the 'minimal' sidepod design, this requirement can be ignored and the bodywork can be shrink-wrapped around the engine template as in the current rulebook. This obviously doesn't help us in cases where the flow path is close to other templates - do we supply an 'offset' version of every template?
CAEdevice wrote:About missing Chris car: I agree with Variante! What about a presence in the not giving points race?
Unfortunately I don't really have the time for it this year. Maybe KVRC 2016 [-o<