Source: http://www.theverge.com/2015/6/12/87704 ... emans-2016
Press conference:
Are they not mandatory? Why else would the Audi have them in a useless place?machin wrote:Funny how a lack of wing mirrors really unbalances the look of a car (to my eyes anyway...)
there is no need to bend the rulesaleks_ader wrote:enri_the_red wrote:No i look for that option but you cannot bend the rules around. All MGU must in WEC 1st go to the ES and vice versa. So tehnicaly is energy flow ERSK<-->CE<-->ES<-->CE<-->HERS no like F1 ERSK<-->CE<-->HERSmatt21 wrote: yes, but that energy is included in their allocation of 8 Mj/lap; it's not "for free" as it is in F1
they were testing the car a few weeks back at Calabogie Motorsports Park near Ottawa, they had the track to themselves so there was no real need for them. I would think that they just haven't finished them yet or the car looked better without them for photosjoseff wrote:Are they not mandatory? Why else would the Audi have them in a useless place?machin wrote:Funny how a lack of wing mirrors really unbalances the look of a car (to my eyes anyway...)
I'm not convinced the corner #'s are right... The lead Porsche is taking "T6" at 167.5kph and "T7" at 258.2kph according to the official data... that second speed seems too high to be the 1st Mulsanne chicane IMO (as suggested by that map you posted a few pages back)... I'm more inclined to think T6 and T7 (as far as the WEC timing data defines it) are the first and second parts of the esses... or maybe T6 is the esses and T7 is Tertre Rouge?. The fact that the WEC timing data gives a single figure for "T6+T7" (6.599 seconds for the lead Porsche) suggests the two corners are at least pretty close to eachother (why give a combined time if they're separated by a mile or more of straight road?)...bdr529 wrote:I'm posting this part of the track map from the ACO site, because that other one I posted a few pages back is wrong, the corner #'s are right, just the name for turn 4-5, should be the Esses and not Dunlop.
http://i65.photobucket.com/albums/h217/ ... ooqimw.jpg
Your not kidding i'v spent the last few day since I posted that first one looking for one with both # and namesmachin wrote: I don't know why the ACO can't just provide a simple map showing the points, but I've searched and searched and can't find anything that looks right....
It is in appendix C of the regulations. I have to have a loon if they are allowed to use more mgu than ersa. Give me some time.joseff wrote:Hi aleks_ader, you seem to have a good grip on the regs. Let me ask you a few questions:
1. I believe there is a clause somewhere saying you may only harvest from 2 sources. Where is it? I can't find it.
2. Do you have to release stored energy to the same 2 systems? Or is it free? In other words: can the 919, which harvests from the exhaust and front axle, then release that energy through the rear axle?
I find these to be the most interesting part of LMP1 hybrids, and I can't find them in the regs