He...if I was the designer I think I'd put the chimney behind the winglet.....(don't think I'm stupid.....just bear with me a second).
Well as the air passes through the winglet there's a low pressure system created behind the wing...(almost the same thing as the slipp stream behind the car)....and this low pressure system will suck the air out of the chimmney (cause air always goes from high pressures (inside the chimmnney, in this case) to low pressures (behind the wing, in this case)! So....this means that the winglet will create downforce and the "hole" created in the air by it's passing will suck the air out of the chimmney!
It's also true that the hot air will go over the rear wing.....which is not the best idea....cause of air convection....the difetence in temperature inm the air will cause turbulence.....but....its always worth a try!!!! What does everyone think about this?
Maybe some day I'll talk about another 4 ideas (2already used in F1 but put on the shelf because of problems during testing) I have for F1....that according to a couple of physics/aerodynamics teachers I've spooken to....have agreed that they might work.....but one of them I'm still working on...cause it only works in fast corners....the medium slow ones....are the head ache!