ChrisF1 wrote:GP under threat due to Air Pollution?
The University games and tooball have already been cancelled due to visibility and health reasons.
From an
abc news article:
"In the event that the haze caused visibility, public health or operational issues, Singapore GP would work closely with the relevant agencies before making any collective decisions regarding the event," the Singapore Grand Prix said in a statement.
However, a decision on whether it will be safe to race will be made by FIA Race Director Charlie Whiting after consulting with drivers and teams. The Singapore Grand Prix has always been held at this time of year, and while there has been some haze in past years due to the forest fires, it has never prevented the race from going ahead.
Also, backing up the annual occurence:
"I am really fed up with this annual haze, but what can we do?" said Lian
And finally:
After touching a high of 222, the pollution index mellowed during the day to 118, classified as "unhealthy." In 2013, the same three-hour index hit a historic high of 401, way above the "hazardous" mark of 300.
With the 2013 race held held on 22 September.