Whatever you said - fine. I disagree, but that's another point.GPR-A wrote: And finally, Toto and Niki should stop the BS of continuing to talk about how competitive F1 is and behaving like guardian angels of F1. Now I agree with Bernie that, Toto is responsible for the death of F1.
But how come that everything not working in F1, is pointed to Mercedes?
Why should MGP let others get the rewards, especially after they failed?
Secondly, the current engine formula was not created by Mercedes, but others as well namely Ferrari, Renault, Toyota, BMW and Cosworth. This whole thing going on right now is nothing than a compromise of all stakeholders involved.
BE, the FIA, said engine manufacturers, sponsors and F1 teams.
So by definition, it cannot be what any of us expects it to be.
But, why is it so hard to admit that one manufacturer just made it right (and hit the jackpot) while the others did not - and this manufacturer wants to stay there?
Renault and Ferrari had the same time line then MGP, could've invested the same amount of money/personnel/resources.
Mercedes would be out of their corporate minds to give their No.1 engine to RBR.
(Especially when everyone can see that RBR as a team are not team players - either you win/loose as a team, or you don't. Why should Mercedes then take them on as a team? It can only backfire.)
Thirdly, and what always seems forgotten - Mercedes not only got the engine right, but also their aerodynamics.
How would the F1 world look like, if their chassis was crap? Nobody would accuse MGP of anything, because they would not be 1s ahead of everyone.
The discussion would surely look completely different.