#aerogollumturbof1 wrote: YOU SHALL NOT......STALLLLL!!!
bigblue wrote:Don't know much about these things, so maybe this is well known, but, what's the bolt-in panel in the middle of the upper surface of the front wing for ?
#aerogollumturbof1 wrote: YOU SHALL NOT......STALLLLL!!!
Quite a few kilo's actually. I think they use very heavy metals like tungsten or wolfram.bigblue wrote:Aha. I thought it might be ballast, but thought it was too small to get any appreciable weight so thought not in the end. I'm curious, does anyone know how much they can add there ?
Tungsten is Wolfram .. Wolfram is the "Ye olde name" .. as the main ore Tungsten is extracted from is called Wolframite.turbof1 wrote: Quite a few kilo's actually. I think they use very heavy metals like tungsten or wolfram.
mclaren111 wrote:Extreme angle on Exhaust & tight Bodywork around Exhaust now:
http://img3.auto-motor-und-sport.de/McL ... 903801.jpg
The square holes will be covered.Mattchu wrote:Fair play to McLaren for the Aero updates but boy they haven`t half cribbed Mercedes and Ferarris work! I understand teams pretty much always copy each others work (especially if it works), it`s shame that innovation is extremely difficult under the current regulations because McLaren used to come up with some really neat ideas.
Soon we`re going to have all the cars looking pretty much identical (short stub nose/swoopy batwing) apart from the colour/decals!
Anyone any idea why they might have to 2 square holes either side of where the wing itself joins the nose? I`d have thought this would disrupt the airflow where you would want a nice clean stream going through...
Are they trying to stall the rear wing with the exhaust at full throttle?mclaren111 wrote:Extreme angle on Exhaust & tight Bodywork around Exhaust now:
http://img3.auto-motor-und-sport.de/McL ... 903801.jpg
Only ALO....but he is slow so far...Andres125sx wrote:Does anyone know if the aero updates will be used in both cars?