01] Mercedes: HAM - 3 Wins/ROS - 8 Wins (HAM will have a meltdown mid way through season after ROS bosses him 5-1 to summer break, HAM will have reliability issues and a moan at Pirelli) ROS WDC
02] Ferrari: VET - 6 Wins/RAI - Single win (RAI to score only victory at Australia, VET to destroy RAI after that) VET 2nd Place WDC
03] Williams-Mercedes (Equal 1-1 win ratio with BOT having more driver damage with MAS still being of much the same pace as him, 15% between them in points total of Williams total)
04] Force India/Aston Martin-Mercedes: PER to score 2 podiums/HUL to score his maiden podium (Still equal, but PER will outscore HUL by 20% on the points total of the teams overall total)
05] STR-Ferrari: VES to destroy SAI with VES getting a podium (VES will destroy SAI, but SAI will continue unreliability streak)
06] McLaren-Honda: BUT to remain ahead of ALO (Both will get a podium, but BUT will get a 2nd and ALO a 3rd, 10 points between them)
07] Red Bull-Tag Heuer: Like McLaren 2015 but with reliability. (KVJ will be good early season but taper off. RIC to remain good, possibility of a RIC podium at Hungary)
08] Renault F1: Both drivers will be as bad as each other to be honest, PAL to edge it by 8 points
09] Sauber-Ferrari: Drivers will be separated by paper, NAS will just edge it by a point or two
10] HAAS-Ferrari: GUT to be destroyed by GRO, but team will have early season growing pains, team will likely score 6 points total after summer break
11] Manor-Mercedes: Team will have a difficult early season in the fly aways, but once in Europe they will likely score points at Monaco again, possibly score points at a high attrition rate race in the late season, will score 5 points total.
Leading to 2017:
RAI will retire at the end of the year.
GRO to replace RAI at Ferrari.
PER to Renault in 2017.
ERI to Renault with PER.
BUT will leave McLaren and go to Aston alongside HUL.
VAN will get his McLaren seat in 2017.
NAS to Williams to replace MAS.
RSI to HAAS to replace GRO
STR to keep pairing for 3rd season, same at RBR and Mercedes. (STR will move to RBR-Tag Heuer in 2017)
ALO, GUT, VET, HAM and ROS will stay put
Lynn at Sauber with Matsushita (Honda deal for Sauber)
Manor-Mercedes will take Palmer and Stevens as a all brit line up.
Renault powered B team will take to the grid as well.