bill shoe wrote:Tim, interesting chart. But what happens if you use Moto GP levels of grip, around 2 to 2.5 G's with no downforce?
I don't know, I didn't run the simulation so I can't check that case. Anyway, I have big doubt's over claims of >2g on any type of tyre without aero help. I haven't seen a lot of motorcycle tyre data but what I have seen is is comparable to equivalent car tyres in terms of peak friction i.e. a bit over mu=1 for a performance street tyre. Though if anyone has any roll corrected accelerometer data from a MotoGP bike, I'd happily stand corrected.
Even if it was true, these tyres with no aero help would only allow you to corner at GP2/3 levels.
DaveW wrote:Forgive me, but I have a few questions about Toet's analyses. It looks to me that his simulations were executed with aero being the only change. Fine, but a real test of an aero-neutral car would require changes to springs, dampers, geometry, ride height, tyres, etc. Those changes would not recover the performance lost by (lack of) aero, but it would mitigate the loss and, perhaps, allow different lines to be driven through corners, etc.
Yes, this is true but the performance change from setup tweaks are going to be much smaller than what you see from the massive aero changes. Moreover, what's to say that the setup wont need to go in the opposite (slower laptime) direction for the no downforce case in order to keep the car stable at high speed? I assume these simulations are done with a quasi steady state simulation. Their biggest weakness is that the driver "model" doesn't take into account instabilities.