BBC is a profit driven organization that exist to make money by selling subscription, TV series, TV commercial for and during the program they broadcast. The more popular the program they are broadcasting, they more expensive the subscription and TV commercial slots.Just_a_fan wrote:They don't make money from what they broadcast (except where they sell programmes to others e.g. Top Gear). There is no income for the BBC associated with F1 or any other sport.CHT wrote:This is the same as company cutting product lines to save cost. Reason? The product line is not making money, thats why they cut.Just_a_fan wrote:What revenue?
They cut F1 to save money.
The BBC pays to show Wimbledon. How much? No idea but ESPN paid £300m in 2011 for 12 years of rights. ... -2020.html
The BBC paid £204m for three years of rights to show highlights, yes highlights, of Premiership matches. Oh, and it was the only bidder... ... t-bid.html
The BBC doesn't like F1 because it doesn't fit in with the Corporation's current ideologies. It was an easy "oh let's save some money that is almost the same as the F1 cost, funny that!"
And Yes , they do make money, And the reason they are willing to continue paying for Wimbledon and BPL because they make commercial sense and because F1 is too expensive as it required to pay for a bunch of "celebrity" crew to fly around the world to provide coverage for a sport that has declining global audience